Week in Wildlife
What it's all about... an introduction.
We are incredibly passionate about our native wildlife, the environment that sustains it and the part that you, the public, can play in the success of local wildlife in both urban and rural spaces.
Each addition we will talk about what’s going on in our gardens, parks and other wild spaces, and what you can do to help and support our increasingly threatened wildlife. We will introduce you to the wildlife we care for at our shelter sharing stories of their rehabilitation, and hopefully, return to the wild.
We are always incredibly busy here, struggling for resources, staffing, and space; Spring finds us overflowing with chicks of all descriptions and in Autumn and Winter hedgehogs dominate every possible nook and cranny. No two days are ever the same and are always a mixture of laughter and tears.
And Finally…
Please, always remember to seek advice from the wildlife staff before bringing an animal to the rescue email wildlife@Freshfields.org.uk. If an animal is seriously injured, please take it to a vet as we don’t always have a vet on site. Most vets treat wildlife for free.
As June Drifts into July
by Hedgehog Woman | Jul 10, 2019
The good news this week is that the hedgehog that was seriously injured by a strimmer, is due to be released and our little collared dove chick with the infected wing and our five blackbird chicks, that were attacked by cats, have now all made a full recovery and are...
Good News Week!
by Helen | Jun 14, 2019
There's plenty of good news to share this week.We're delighted to see the hedgehog, injured by the strimmer, now making a remarkable recovery. The future is certainly looking rosy for this little guy as he'll be released in the near future. Talk about second...
As May drifts into June
by Hedgehog Woman | Jun 3, 2019
After over-wintering a hundred plus hedgehogs, we are delighted to see seventy-five successfully returned to the wild. Many of the remaining hedgehogs are ready to go, but some still have health issues, and sadly several have been severely injured by strimmers.This...
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