Week in Wildlife

What it's all about... an introduction.

We are incredibly passionate about our native wildlife, the environment that sustains it and the part that you, the public, can play in the success of local wildlife in both urban and rural spaces.

Each addition we will talk about what’s going on in our gardens, parks and other wild spaces, and what you can do to help and support our increasingly threatened wildlife.  We will introduce you to the wildlife we care for at our shelter sharing stories of their rehabilitation, and hopefully, return to the wild.

We are always incredibly busy here, struggling for resources, staffing, and space; Spring finds us overflowing with chicks of all descriptions and in Autumn and Winter hedgehogs dominate every possible nook and cranny. No two days are ever the same and are always a mixture of laughter and tears.

And Finally…

Please, always remember to seek advice from the wildlife staff before bringing an animal to the rescue email wildlife@Freshfields.org.uk. If an animal is seriously injured, please take it to a vet as we don’t always have a vet on site. Most vets treat wildlife for free.

This year so far…

This year so far…

The last few months have been incredibly busy so we have not been able to update you much on what has been happening on the wildlife unit. Before the year is over we thought it would be good to give you a very quick overview of what has been going on in 2021. It is...

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During Coronavirus

During Coronavirus

During Coronavirus During this outbreak, we will be chatting about wildlife, what to look out for and what we can all do help our local wildlife during these difficult times. Given that our skeleton staff are frantically busy, and volunteers and the public can no...

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You could say this is our quiet time, if there is such a thing around here, yet in the wildlife and small mammal unit we have innumerable rabbits, ferrets and guinea pigs, as well as aviaries full of domestic and exotic birds, along with ninety five wild hedgehogs....

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Wildlife this Christmas

Wildlife this Christmas

We have almost a hundred hedgehogs in the wildlife unit at the moment, along with a variety of birds, and no doubt many, many more hedgehogs will arrive over winter. These guys will be our guests until mid spring or until it begins to warm up.Meet this poor little...

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The damage caused by fireworks

The damage caused by fireworks

Currently we have around eighty hedgehogs in our wildlife unit. On average, twenty are arriving each week. Goodness knows how we'll cope if this trend continues!Some are adults who just need a little TLC before being returned to the wild. Several have ringworm or...

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The nights are drawing in

The nights are drawing in

There has been a sudden influx of underweight, juvenile hedgehogs lately, nineteen in one week alone! Given how late in the year it is, these guys will now remain in our care until next spring, as they won't reach their target weight to successfully hibernate. Our...

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Early Autumn

Early Autumn

We spoke too soon when we said summer was over and that things were calming down. Obviously nobody touched wood! A grebe chick recently arrived, strangely, it was found sitting by a roadside with no sign of it's mother.Fast on the grebe's heels came three woodpigeon...

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Drifting into Autumn

Drifting into Autumn

Finally, things are calming down a little around here.The influx of chicks is slowing down, along with hedgehogs. The staff are drawing a collective deep breath and are hoping that lunchtimes are now back on the menu.Our final two shelducks are now enjoying the water...

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Summer flying by

Summer flying by

If anything, wildlife has become even busier, and lunchtimes have long become a thing of the past! Hedgehogs continue to arrive, but mainly tiny ones. This little hoglet had a terrible infestation of fleas which would have caused severe anemia if left untreated. It's...

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Overwhelmed by hedgehogs

Overwhelmed by hedgehogs

Life at wildlife has been pretty hectic of late. Over the last week or so, at least six hedgehogs and multiple birds have been pouring in on a daily basis, adding to the large numbers already being cared for, resulting in the staff seriously struggling for space.There...

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