Take the Great Vegan Challenge!
We’ve added our voices to our friends at Animal Aid to tell you about the Great Vegan Challenge. This November, which is also World Vegan Month, sees the return of the Great Vegan Challenge – your chance to try veganism for a month whilst getting all the support you need.
The Great Vegan Challenge makes going vegan easy. Not only will you receive free plant-based recipes, advice on nutrition and tips on shopping, you’ll also get regular updates about vegan news, events and special offers throughout November. You’ll havaccess to an exclusive Facebook group where you’ll find support from hundreds of people who have already taken the Challenge. All you need to do is pledge to go vegan for November here.
Special Offer: Sign up before 30 Sept and you’ll be entered into a draw for one of ten FREE tickets to London Vegfest (22-23 Oct) – one of the largest vegan events in Europe.
Why should you try veganism? Well, with almost one billion animals being farmed and killed for food in the UK each year – including millions of ‘surplus’ animals from the milk and egg industries – going vegan is a fantastic way to prevent animal suffering and ensure you are living cruelty-free. But it’s also more environmentally friendly, healthy, a great way to try new foods, and it can even help to save you money.
So, why not give it a go?
Already vegan? Great! You can help to spread the word.
For more information and to sign up follow the link below. Good luck and enjoy the Great Vegan Challenge!