Our first ever guest blog

Our first ever guest blog 31 Aug, 2016 Our first ever guest blog is from Margaret, one of our dedicated kennels volunteers. Margaret has taken a little bit of time out to give everyone an overview of a typical day helping out in the Liverpool kennels! Please note…...

Danielle ‘Day In The Life’

Danielle ‘Day In The Life’ 30 Aug, 2016 Our second guest blogger is Danielle Owens. Danielle, works at the Liverpool shelter in the Small Animals and Wildlife Unit. Danielle can attest to the need to make the very best of the scarce resources available to...

Dog-napping: What Can I Do?

Dog-napping: What Can I Do? We love our dogs, and we know you do too. The thought of losing them, especially to unscrupulous people who may steal them in what has become known as ‘dog-napping’, has caused anxiety amongst many loving dog-owners. Certain breeds, such as...
Do We Release Winston?

Do We Release Winston?

Winston the FIV cat is still with us, a potential home for him did not come to fruition so we are now having to decide on his future.He is too affectionate and  loving for us to consider having him put to sleep but in truth, his skin condition is only slightly...
Freshfields Launches Vet Room Appeal

Freshfields Launches Vet Room Appeal

Every day we change the lives of traumatised, abandoned and neglected animals who have often been cruelly abused. Veterinary and medical costs are our biggest expense, and last year our vets’ bills exceeded £110,000. Even with your magnificent support, we cannot...