

Martha was yet another stray who luckily found her way to our door. She was in a terrible condition; red raw all over and terrible sores on her face. It also looked as though she had been used for breeding. She was so unhappy, why had life treated her so badly we...


It’s hard to believe that Maisie came to us direct from a home in this terrible condition. Her allergies had been completely ignored and she was covered in open sores. Wounds at the back of her neck were bleeding and infected, poor Maisie was in so much pain and...


Dorothy was so sad when she first arrived at Freshfields. Yet another stray, she had lost nearly all of her fur and her skin was hot to touch. Her treatment was so simple, but no one had bothered to help her until now. When she was still overcoming her skin problems...


Buster was shut away and forgotten about, his skin problems ignored, he was left to suffer in misery. Grey skin showed through where there should have been thick fur, and there were red sores on his face, paws, and bottom. He was depressed at first but soon came to...


Roger was found in the road – he’d been hit by a car. His leg was broken and he had suffered many, deep lacerations. He was badly shaken and in shock which lasted for days. No one ever came to claim him, and we’ll never know just how long he had to wait alone and in...