

Buster was shut away and forgotten about, his skin problems ignored, he was left to suffer in misery. Grey skin showed through where there should have been thick fur, and there were red sores on his face, paws, and bottom. He was depressed at first but soon came to...


Roger was found in the road – he’d been hit by a car. His leg was broken and he had suffered many, deep lacerations. He was badly shaken and in shock which lasted for days. No one ever came to claim him, and we’ll never know just how long he had to wait alone and in...


Rani was found in the middle of the road. His leg was badly broken and he was in terrible pain. How long had he been there? Was anyone looking for this poor dog? Why didn’t the person that ran into him stop and help him…? We couldn’t answer any of these questions; we...
Baby Buster

Baby Buster

Baby Buster was simply unwanted. Frightened and in pain he came to us with broken toes, how this happened we’ll never know. Here is Baby Buster (renames George by his adopting family) all grown up – not the tiny pup we once knew! He loves his new life, and makes the...


Tinsel first came to Freshfields at Christmas time, along with her 5 brothers and sisters. She was part of an unwanted litter, and we were told she and her siblings would be dumped in a box if we didn’t take them. This unlucky start in life unfortunately continued for...