A new Home for Cody and for Blue the Bunny

A new Home for Cody and for Blue the Bunny

2nd May: The little pig did not arrive here because soon after Gary from the Liverpool shelter went to collect her, she was offered a home. The home in question already has rescued pigs including our own Mathilda(who was abandoned in the Wrexham area) and has recently...
Katie and Daisy

Katie and Daisy

Carol Barnes got in touch with us to give us the latest news on her lovely dogs Katie and Daisy. Carol says: ” We got Katie from Freshfields as we were looking for a little companion for Daisy, who we rescued 2 years ago. A friend on Schnauzer Walks North West...
Seminar on Dog Law at Parry Welch Lacey LLP

Seminar on Dog Law at Parry Welch Lacey LLP

 James Parry and the dog law team at Parry Welch Lacey will present their views on current dog law issues and the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 in particular at a seminar on 12th May from 6pm – 9pm. The team will be on hand to answer your questions about this Act. A...
A Piglet found in a Town Centre.

A Piglet found in a Town Centre.

23rdth April: We are expecting a young pig who looks to be around 2 months ,to be arriving next week. He/she was found in Blackpool town centre and local police rang our Liverpool shelter to see if they could take him. Unfortunately they have their full quota of pigs...