

Jake Jake was admitted due to a relationship breakdown, and we were a little concerned about his health upon admittance. After bloods were taken by our vet, it was confirmed that Jake had Cushing’s disease. One one of the symptoms of Cushing’s is an...
Out and about in March

Out and about in March

Out and about in March 24 Mar, 2022 The weather is finally starting to improve – with the rising temperatures we can now start releasing more of the wild animals in our care. This month, we have released 13 wild animals – including hedgehogs, ducks and a gull....
Spring is just around the corner

Spring is just around the corner

Spring is just around the corner 26 Feb, 2022 We have had another couple of quieter weeks on the wildlife unit looking after 72 hedgehogs – many who are still fast asleep and enjoying their hibernation. But did you know that a hedgehog’s hibernation is not...
The start of 2022

The start of 2022

The start of 2022 21 Jan, 2022 It’s the quiet time of year on the wildlife unit, even though we still have over 100 wild animals in our care. Hedgehogs are taking up most of the space, as sadly we are unable to admit any sick or injured wild birds – due to the Avian...