World Environment Day

World Environment Day

World Environment Day 1 Jun, 2022 The 5th June is World Environment Day.  Caring for the planet is a shared responsibility and every one of us can do something to ensure we all make a positive difference.  We are committed to protecting our local wildlife through our...
Out and about in May

Out and about in May

Out and about in May 29 May, 2022 The chaos of May has arrived – with over 70 wild animals being admitted to our wildlife unit this month! We were finally able to start admitting wild birds, as of the 2nd of May – as the Avian Influenza housing restrictions were...
Spring is in full swing

Spring is in full swing

Spring is in full swing 28 Apr, 2022 It has been a busy month on the wildlife unit. With the weather warming up, the team have started releasing hedgehogs that have been overwintering here. This month, 21 hedgehogs have been released back out into the wild – which is...


Dingle RIP 7/3/2022 Dingle was rescued from the streets of Dingle where he had spent many years fending for himself and fighting other toms. When he arrived at the rescue he had terrible injuries and tested positive for FIV. He came to live with us in Dec 2019, and...


Kyla Kyla was adopted a few months ago, but unfortunately became a little difficult to handle by her loaners, so has sadly been returned.  Kyla is quite a dominant mare, so DOES need a firm hand and would benefit from 1-1 work, she has previously been hand treated so...