

Peanut  Peanut is fourteen/fifteen years old . He is neutered but not microchipped. Peanut also has a small bump by his left ear. Peanut went missing from Lilac Avenue, in Ainsdale. Five weeks prior to that, he had lived at Sandy Road, Seaforth. Peanut is a much loved...


Saam  Saam is a five year old tabby Bengal mix, British shorthaired. He has a very distinctive coat coat with more stripes than spots and black and brown markings. Saam is very approachable, friendly and good around strangers. He is neutered but not microchipped. Saam...


Ellie Meet Ellie, Ellie was a previous Freshfields cat who was sadly returned after 9 years.  She has come on leaps and bounds since being with us and is often out, greeting visitors and wanting attention. She still likes the safety of her igloo. Ellie really likes...
Glenys Hughes

Glenys Hughes

Glenys Hughes A TRIBUTE TO GLENYS HUGHES Everyone at Freshfields would like to pay tribute to Glenys, who sadly passed away recently. Glenys was a lifelong supporter of our work at Freshfields and shared our mission to transform the lives of abused, abandoned and...