

Nico Nico is a 1 year old domestic short hair white cat who went missing on the 30th May from the area of Pwllheli. Other areas he may be are Ffordd y Maer and Abererch Road near the Asda. He is microchipped and he has bright green/yellowish eyes as well as very pink...


Cadi Cadi is a sweet but nervous pony, who will really benefit from having an experienced owner who can work with her one to one and give her confidence. She is no trouble at all, she lives with a mixed herd with no issues, she is defintiely a project pony who will...


Willow Willow came into our care with her three other companions. She is around 17 years old. She is a sweet and sensitive girl who needs a lot of one to one care and attention. She also has only one eye due to an injury when she was younger. She will need an...