A step closer to allowing millions more pet owners in private rented accommodation.
We welcome the introduction into Parliament last month of the Renters Reform Bill. Under this new bill, landlords will no longer be able to “unreasonably withhold consent when a tenant requests to have a pet in their home”. In case of unreasonable refusal, the tenant will be able to challenge unfair decisions through a new Private Rented Sector Ombudsman, without the fear of eviction.
Tenants being unable to find anywhere suitable to rent with their pet is sadly one of the most common reasons people ask for help in rehoming their pets.
The introduction of this Bill to Parliament brings us closer to the joy of pet ownership to millions. It could dramatically reduce the number of dogs and cats being needlessly separated from their owners, and will help keep tenants and their pets together in homes for longer – the best outcome for all.
Whilst there is no confirmed date for this to become law, it is hoped to be introduced later this year.