During Coronavirus
During this outbreak, we will be chatting about wildlife, what to look out for and what we can all do help our local wildlife during these difficult times.
Given that our skeleton staff are frantically busy, and volunteers and the public can no longer visit the shelters, it’s becoming more difficult to get photographs and updates, but please do bear with us, once this is over, the blog will return to it’s usual format.
What we need this week
Please telephone the rescue before bringing anything in. They will let you know what is needed. A big thank you to everyone still helping out by donating necessary items.
If you are able to donate money, food or goods in these troubling times, please check our website, social media or Amazon Wishlist.
A huge, huge thank you to anyone who can help, we really do appreciate it.
Out and about in April
Given the reduction of traffic, wild animals are becoming more adventurous and attempting to cross the quieter roads more frequently. There seems to be a sharp increase in road kill, when the opposite should be the case. It has also been noticed that cars are driving faster, so if you are out driving, please slow down and keep a keen eye out for wildlife.
Seagulls seem to be moving into urban areas since the lock-down, possibly as a result of there being little to scavenge on the beaches. Their other-worldly calls are now becoming the norm in our gardens.
There also seem to be more butterflies, bees and other insects out this spring. It has been suggested that the sharp drop in air pollution is helping their numbers. Y’see, silver linings where you don’t expect them. Also bird song is much more prominent these days, as the noise pollution of traffic has reduced. Hopefully, lessons will be learnt, and more people will work from home more often, as they are managing perfectly fine thus far. We simply can’t go back to the way it was. We all have a duty to protect our environment and our wildlife.
While taking your daily exercise remember to look up, as our magnificent swifts and swallows have returned to grace our skies.
Wildlife are now venturing into what was previously human territory. Animal prints are now appearing in muddy spots rather than human footprints. Look out for animal prints after rainfall.
Many species seem to be getting braver. Water voles have been seen idling about rather than scurrying off at the first sign of a person, and mice have been seen strolling along roads.
Here in Formby, red squirrels have reclaimed a foot- golf course, deer have been seen in urban areas around Kirkby and mountain goats have appeared in urban streets in North Wales.
If you have managed to save any money during the lock-down, investing in a wildlife camera will provide you with endless hours of entertainment. Most of us have no clue what is visiting our gardens. You could also hide it in different areas each day while exercising and capture the nocturnal animals out and about.
Did you know
- That dandelion greens are edible and delicious, especially the first leaves of spring.
- Wild dolphins call each other by name.
- Young goats pick up accents from each other.
- Horses use facial expressions to communicate with each other.
- And that squirrels can’t burp or vomit.
Remember to
- Leave food and water out for birds who are now busy feeding chicks, and for hedgehogs, especially water, during dry spells. Always keep cats and dogs indoor if you see fledglings on the ground.
- Check long grass for amphibians and hedgehogs before strimming.
- Leave a pile or two of leaves for the wildlife.
- Don’t prune bushes and hedges as birds may be nesting in them,
And Finally
Given most of us we have more time these days, why not plant some wildflower seeds for our pollinators. Get them free HERE.
Please stay home, take care of yourselves and stay safe. If you need assistance, please contact your local council, or check online for volunteer groups who are shopping and collecting medication for those who are vulnerable.
Always remember to seek advice from the wildlife staff before bringing an animal to the rescue. If an animal is seriously injured, please contact a vet as we don’t always have a vet on site. Most vets treat wildlife for free.
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