Corporate Challenges

Corporate Challenge Ideas
The great thing about this challenge is you can do anything you like! Or, you could jump on one of Freshfields planned fundraising events or activities, or a bit of both. Whether you raise £200 or £2000, it all makes a massive difference.
Ideas and Options
- Birthday Fundraisers – ask friends and family to donate to Freshfields instead of buying you gifts you don’t really need. Easy to do through our Facebook fundraiser page.
- Rescue to Rescue cycle challenge – set up teams to static cycle the 120 miles = 193 Km from Freshfields Liverpool to Welsh rescue and top of the Freshfields leader board, currently held by the Hollyoaks team at 2 hrs, 30 minutes with a total raised of £462.42 . This challenge can be done in your workplace or we may be able to help arrange a public location for it where a bucket collection can help with the fundraising effort. Anyone who wants to take part can put their name down for a shift and ask their friends and family for sponsorship through an online donation page.
Or…here are some ideas to start you off that work for different energy levels and workplace set ups:
Gather together some fantastic prizes and hold a raffle where people have the chance to win them. Typically, in a raffle you would change entrants one or two pounds for a strip of five tickets. Put together your own or see if local shops, businesses or suppliers would donate some prizes. If the raffle is for staff, you can always include prizes that don’t cost you anything, for example, a week using the best office car park space or a free day of annual leave.
Packed Lunch Day
Encourage everyone to make their lunch at home for a day and bring in a packed lunch. Ask them to donate what they would have paid at the office cafe or local shop to Freshfields instead.
Fancy Dress
Pick a ‘theme animal’ that Freshfields rescues, or whatever takes your fancy, and ask everyone to dress up and donate. As an alternative to animals, you could ask everyone to come into the office dressed as their 15-year-old self for some extra laughs?
Email Signatures
Set up an online donations page for your chosen cause and include the link in your email signatures. It is a good way to remind internal colleagues why you’re fundraising. Also, you might also get some donations from generous, external contacts!
Sponsor an Animal
Have your team or company sponsor a Freshfields animal. You can come to the rescue and visit your sponsored pig, dog, cat, bird, goose or sheep and receive quarterly updates on how your pet, farm or wild animal is doing.
Five Aside Football
Charge teams to enter the match or encourage donations from spectators. Freshfields can provide animal team mascots.
Hold a 'Yes' day
Have a 24hour period where people pay to challenge you to things and you have to say YES! It’s a great personal challenge to push you out of your comfort zone and try new things, but also a great way to fundraise.
Activity Marathon
Dream up an activity coworkers can try to do for 24 straight hours, and stream it live or get the local news to cover it. Dance marathons are great for this. #bustamove.
Matched Giving
It can be hard work to organise fundraising events at the office, so it seems fair that you get some help in return. Ask your HR department if the company operates a matched giving policy. This is when the company would match the amount of money that you fundraise, therefore doubling your total!
Guess the Baby
Ask everyone in the team to send you a baby photo of them and pin the photos up in your main meeting room. Charge a small fee for entry and ask your colleagues to guess which baby is who on a sheet of answer paper. The person with the most correct guesses wins a prize.
Skill Bidding
Put up an A3 sheet of paper in your office kitchen or staff room and encourage your colleagues to list their skills on there. This could be anything from playing guitar to pottery. Other colleagues can then place bids on receiving a one-hour lesson with that person and their listed skill. This is a great way to share expertise and fundraise at the same time!
Guess the Sweets
Fill a jar with sweets and ask your colleagues to guess how many sweets are in the jar. Charge a small fee to enter and give the jar of sweets to whoever guesses the closest number. You could do this will mealworms if you want to keep it on theme.
Karaoke Night
Warm up your vocal chords and take the team to a local karaoke night. Charge them a fee on top of the entry money they’d pay or ask for donations for a particular member of staff to sing a requested tune.
This one works best if you’ve got a willing and well-connected teammate. Shut them in the boardroom with only their mobile phone and promise that they can come out once they’ve raised donations from all of their major contacts.
Silent Disco
Ask everyone to bring along an iPod and hold a silent disco in your meeting room. Dim the lights and get a disco ball involved for extra atmosphere.
A Close Shave
If your team are particularly good sports, you could organise sponsored waxing for any willing participants. Book a space where you’ll have lots of room for onlookers and keep passing the donation buckets around. Remember to film the event so that all of the sponsors have video evidence!
Games Night
Whack out any board games you have – Cluedo, Monopoly, Jenga, Twister, the lot – and host an office games night. Split into teams so that everyone gets to have a go on the different games. You could also add a sweepstake for who the overall winner will be.
Buzzword Jar
Colleagues would need to pay up when they use some of the well-known buzzwords in your corporation.
Foreign Coin Exchange
Let all of your colleagues, customers or suppliers know that you’ll be collecting foreign coins up to give the money to Freshfields Animal Rescue. If they’ve got any currency from past holidays, they can give it to you and you’ll exchange it back into pounds to add to the fundraising total.
Tug of War
A classic fun fundraiser that allows teams to pit their strength against each other. Participants pay to play and can win a prize, or in most cases may be happy with the glory of the win, a trophy and a lot of internal and social media coverage of their feat. This can also be done with a friendly neighboring business.
Wine Tombola
Ask your friends, family, suppliers and local businesses to donate bottles of wine, and a range of non-alcoholic drinks and set up a wine tombola day. Staff or customers pay £1 to draw a ticket to win the bottle with the corresponding number on it. Simple and for some reason, always popular!
Funny Photo Competition
If you have lots of staff, encourage them to bring in the funniest photos of themselves they can find to host a “Funny Photo Contest!” Place all the photos on a bulletin board in a high-trafficked area and put a donation jar underneath each. Individuals can vote for the funniest photo by placing a donation in the corresponding jar.
Generate hype and competition by providing your coworkers with updates like who’s in the lead. At the end, add up the donations and give your winner a prize.
Serve the Community
If you’re skilled in a particular service like painting or repairing things, or other services, offer your skills to raise funds.
Manager Challenge
How many of your teammates would pay to see your Manager duct taped to a wall, wear tiger face paint all day, sing a karaoke tune or do a silly dance for the team?
You can create a Manager’s Challenge fundraiser and raise some money for your team while having a little fun! As long as your Manager is up for it, you can start fundraising for various types of ‘challenges’ People vote for their favourite ones with their pounds. Your Manager has to do whichever one has the most money!
Pet Photo Shoot
People love their pets. And everyone thinks their pet is the most special. Perhaps a staff member has a secret photography hobby who can help take great pet pics.
Source a location and start promoting the event. Promote to staff outlining all the details, and include a registration link. Owners pay upon booking.
Have Fun! And THANK YOU From All Of Us Here At Freshfields!
Donate Here
Lost & Found Pets

Exclusive merchandise available direct from the rescue. Don't miss out, follow the link to make your purchase today.