

Flo Fabulous Flo is looking for her perfect ‘husbun’ & forver family. Flo had a protein deficiency when she came to us, she was underweight as her body was having trouble absorbing enough nutrients. She was placed on a high protein diet with extra...
April & Casey

April & Casey

April & Casey April & Casey are looking for their forever family to love & spoil them. Mother April & daughter Casey, came to us as they were taken to a vet along with dad & 4 brothers. April is only a young rabbit herself & sadly neither her...


Oakley Obstinate Oakley came to us from a hoarder situation. He is a funny little character, wanting all the attention, but only on his terms. He was very underweight when he came to us, so we have been carefully monitoring his weight & making sure he is now...


Riley Remarkable Riley is looking for his perfect partner. We believe he was around 1 year old when he came to us, but cannot be certain. Riley would make a lovely addition to anyone home! He is quite happy relaxing, but also loves attention. Whenever staff go into...


Peter Perky Peter sadly came to us as his owners could no longer care for him. He is a cheeky little guy who loves nothing more than destroying a cardboard box! He is more reserved with the staff & volunteers, but we think he just needs his new best friend to...


Izzy Incredible Izzy is looking for his perfect retirement home. Izzy came to us with his life long friend Peggy when their previous owner could sadly no longer afford to keep them. They were both sweet little rabbits who loved to cuddle up with each other at all...