

Fred A SPECIAL HOME APPEAL FOR FRED Bichon Frise/Shih Tzu extraordinaire Four years young In good health, neutered, vaccinated and ready to roll. Happy to travel, cross paths with other dogs, go to the vets. Not into: having his legs touched ..fair enough; cats; or...


Isla About Isla Meet Isla! She is a fabulous little French bulldog looking for her new home. Isla came to us when her owner was no longer able to take care of her. Isla has had a difficult start to life, and as a result struggles to trust new people. It can take a few...


China About China Meet China! She is an older girl of 12 years who is now looking for a new home through no fault of her own. She came to us when her owner could unfortunately no longer take care of her so felt the best thing for her was to find  new home. China has a...


Kobie BACKGROUND AND PERSONALITYKobie came into our care through no fault of his own when his previous owner’s health deteriorated and they found they could no longer take care of him. He was adopted by his previous family from another rescue back in February 2020....


Barney BACKGROUND Barney is one of our Sponsor Dogs, as he isn’t quite ready yet to take the step of becoming an adopted family pet. We are working with this loveable lad to help him prepare for the life of love and joy he deserves. In the meantime, let us tell you a...