RIP Dearest Bruno 12/3/2018
Beautiful Bruno – A Tribute
We were sad to hear from our dear friend Carrie Owen about the passing of Bruno earlier this month. Carrie said:
“In March last year darling Ben left us, and now after a very short illness, my sweet Bruno
has gone to be with him. Glyn brought these two home, so how appropriate it should have
been that on his birthday my poor boy went in his sleep. I have no words to say how I feel
except to appreciate how honoured I was to share the life of this wonderful, sweet,
loving dog. There will never be another Bruno.
Last year Lesley brought over some dogs from Romania.
I was lucky enough to be allowed to take Tasha ~ an amazing bitch who walked
straight into my heart and home, and had Bruno as a teacher and pal. It was
lovely to see him accept her, and her respect for him as top dog.
I did not expect to lose Bruno but now I can only pray that
Tasha has a long and healthy life. I do miss my boys and Tipzee
who formed their pack.
Run free now Bruno, with Ben; what a meeting that would have been.
For ever xxx”
RIP Bruno.
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