5 Aug, 2022

Introducing wonderful Sage. He sadly came into our care with his three older companions. His only a youngster at around 2 years old, he’s a complete clean slate and will need a lot of work but he is so eager and willing to learn. He has so much potential to make someone a cracking horse. He is microchipped, passported and has been gelded. He will be ready for his forever home very soon.

  • Admitted - 09/05/2024
  • Breed / Type - Cross breed
  • Sex - Male
  • Age - 2
  • Colour - Piebald (Black and white)
  • Vaccinated - N/A
  • Neutered - Yes
  • Used to Kids - No
  • Used to Cats - N/A
  • Used to Dogs - N/A
  • Toilet Trained - N/A
  • History of Biting - No

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