20 Apr, 2024

Meet Charlotte

This beautiful, gentle older lady, was helped into rescue by a kind member of the public, who realised she didn’t have a home and contacted us.It would seem that Charlotte had been living on the streets for a number of years, and our vets age her as at least ten 

In the short time that she has been with us, Charlotte has endeared herself to all the cattery staff, She is sweet in nature, very gentle, and purrs loudly when she gets any attention, she makes it very difficult for us to leave her to get on with our work.

Charlotte has had a dental since arriving, apparently she doesn’t have so many teeth left, but she manages food and treats just fine, she is not fussy about food, and has eaten every meal with relish.

We feel that Charlotte would benefit from a quieter home, without young children or other pets, but with a warm, comfy lap to curl up on, and a full dish of food. In return, she will give you so much love and affection.

If you feel you could offer Charlotte a loving home, please do fill out an application form, and return to the Liverpool Cattery







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